About Me
I’m an Occupational Therapist working with children and families on Sydney’s northern beaches.
Since graduating with a Bachelor of Science degree in Occupational Therapy from Sydney University I have worked with children for over four decades. Yep ages!
I’ve had many roles but always with the guiding principles that each child is totally unique, and parents know their child better than anyone else. My approach is always collaborative and carefully created for each unique individual and family.
I’m registered with the Australian Health Practitioners Association (AHPRA) with all necessary and important policies in place. This also requires me to participate in ongoing learning which is easy for me as I love to learn, always updating my knowledge with courses and connecting with peers.
I’m a member of the Australian Association of Occupational Therapists and a registered Medicare provider.
I see children under many schemes including private health, Medicare, and NDIS schemes. Please contact us for current fees.
I absolutely love my job especially really getting to know a child and watching as they gain confidence to try new things and blossom.

So, what’s Occupational Therapy?
OT’s help people develop the everyday life skills that they need and want to do. For children, this means learning skills as they develop, working towards independence. The “occupations” of children include things like self-care , play and leisure, attending school or preschool and all that entails.
It often means exploring where they are having challenges, which could be in coordination, social interaction, sensory or attentional skills. We can then start to work out how to capitalise on strengths and interests and develop ways to improve skills and move ahead.
That’s it in a nutshell.

How I work with families:
It is super important to get to know a child first. Children need to feel comfortable and safe in a setting. This usually happens pretty quickly with a parent to support them, and the room is so much fun!
Sometimes parents complete assessments prior to the first visit so we have a broad idea of the things are a bit of a challenge. Sometimes specific evaluations are completed and sometimes none are needed.
Depending on a child’s needs and goals, sessions are carefully crafted to create the “just right” environment to challenge and build skills, developing increased ability to carry out the everyday tasks they need to do.
This might include co-ordination, gross and fine motor activities which are needed for many daily tasks. It could be expanding play and social skills, so important for making and sustaining friendships. It might be helping to increase focus and attention which underpin most activities, or it might be working out ways to manage sensory challenges or regulating big emotions. Sometimes all of the above.
I have specialist training in many areas including sensory processing, motor skills, autism, and I’m a registered provider for many programs such as Wilbarger Protocol, Therapeutic Listening, SOS feeding, CO-OP approach, Printing like a Pro and many more.
While therapy in the clinic can be super helpful your child will gain the best results when skills are practised at home with you. Visits to school and home can also be really useful to ensure carryover of skills and to share ideas and suggestions.
“Working on the skills & occupations of childhood, through play, participation & relationship.”
What next?
If you think your child might benefit from OT sessions, please feel free to contact us by phone or email and my practice manager will get back to you to discuss your concerns. Please feel free to ask any questions.

Contact Kerry
Please feel free to call me or complete the form, and my practice manager will get back to you to discuss your needs & concerns.